NEW and UNIQUE! Two additional chapters in this edition explore the key topics of Growth Modification in Transverse and Class III Problems and Growth Modification in Class II, Open Bite/Deep Bite, and Multidimensional Problems.NEW and UPDATED! Evidence-based case studies throughout the text reinforce key information to prepare you for the orthodontics portion of the dental boards (which will be case-based starting in 2020), as well as for clinical practice.Comprehensive coverage provides detailed information on diagnosis, treatment planning, and current treatment procedures.NEW! Now on the Expert Consult platform, the printed textbook comes with an easy-to-access electronic version of the text that includes references linked to PubMed abstracts.UNIQUE! A clear writing style and logical organization help you more easily understand important and difficult concepts.A wealth of case studies with photographs and illustrations highlight and reinforce key concepts. Key topics include practical applications of computer technology, alternative treatment approaches, the biomechanics of orthodontic appliances, the selection of efficient treatment procedures, and the treatment of complex problems in both children and adults. William Proffit, Contemporary Orthodontics, 6th Edition continues its long tradition of excellence in providing detailed coverage of orthodontic diagnosis, treatment planning, and treatment techniques. Read More Temporary Anchorage Devices in Orthodontics, 2nd Edition Invisible Orthodontics : Current Concepts and Solutions in Lingual Orthodontics. The leading text for orthodontic education! With a world-renowned author team led by Dr.

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